Zentrum für soziale Inklusion Migration und Teilhabe (ZSIMT) Centre for Social Inclusion Migration and Participation
Zentrum für soziale Inklusion Migration und Teilhabe (ZSIMT)Centre for Social Inclusion Migration and Participation

International Management Skills: Presentation, Facilitation and Rhetorical Skills




Professionals living and working in a globalised world constantly find themselves  in international and intercultural working  environment. Irrespective of the subject matter under consideration, communicating in such complex contexts calls for skills that recognize and effectively deal with regional, cultural and other differences in the group. To this end, the international management skills  workshops aim to:

  • provide individuals and groups working in an international context with the formal skills (structure, vocabulary, body language etc) necessary to present information in various settings, be it international conferences, team meetings, project meetings, workshops etc.
  • provide learners with informal skills (cultural sensitivity, presentation style, etc.) such as lightness, humour, and ease of speech as well as to give them an understanding for cultural and strategic contexts of target audiences.

Didactical Methods

This practice based workshop employs participant and process oriented, interactive and individual, partner and group exercises, Inputs and Handouts. The participants will also watch and analyze and learn from a best practice Video of successful presentation. It also involves replaying and feedback of video sequences of participants’ exercises and role plays, recorded live during the workshop. If time permits, Scenarios and Role-plays could also be further developed and implemented.

Selected Content

  • Rhetoric - Presentation-Facilitation-Group Dynamics: Commonalities and Differences
  • Individual SWOT Analysis regarding speaking, presentation and facilitation skills in the international context 
  • Myths regarding speaking and presenting in international situations
  • Best Practice Video Presentation and Analysis
  • Preparing and Implementing Meetings and Conferences
  • Presentation Model
  • Elaboration and Practice of formal/informal and structuring elements
  • Practice visualization, body language, dramatic structures and technical vocabulary
  • Role and significance of Cultural differences in international communication
  • Giving and Receiving Feedback
  • Dealing with Problems and difficult situations/groups/communication settings
  • Working out Concrete Situations faced/prepared/brought by the participants (Video Recordings and peer feedback)


At the end of this practice based workshop the participants will be able to

  • Explain, delineate and identify the speaking, presentation and facilitation skills needed in an international working environment
  • Estimate their own strengths, weaknesses (SWOT)in relation to effectively communicate in international and intercultural settings
  • Develop and practice their “individual” communication skills in international settings
  • (having had sufficient, basic practice in presenting, speaking and facilitating skills during the workashop) confidently speak, present and facilitate in real life situations

The participants will receive valuable references to literature regarding speaking, presentation and facilitation skills and links to online resources for further qualification and practice of the relevant skills in an international context.


Interested individuals and groups may use the contact page for further information.



Direkt zum Kontaktformular


Zentrum für Soziale Inklusion Migration und Teilhabe

E-Mail: office@zsimt.com (Empfohlene Erstkontakt-Möglichkeit. Jederzeit erreichbar: Antwort i.d.R. innerhalb von 24 Stunden)



Dr. phil. Prasad Reddy
Europaring 26
53123 Bonn






Dr. phil. Prasad Reddy


bei Wissenschaftsladen Bonn e.V.

Reuterstraße 157

53113 Bonn

Telefon: +49-228-4228292

Mobil: +49-152-21992616
E-Mail: office@zsimt.com (Empfohlene Erstkontakt-Möglichkeit. Jederzeit erreichbar: Antwort i.d.R. innerhalb 24 Stunden)



Druckversion | Sitemap
© 2022-2032. Zentrum für soziale Inklusion Migration und Teilhabe(ZSIMT). ZSIMT ist eine Initiative der Reddy_Wulff Sozial Consulting, GbR. Kreditinstitut: Volksbank Köln-Bonn eG Kt. Nr. 2002898015. Finanzamt: Außenstelle Bonn. IBAN:DE27 3806 0186 2002 8980 15. BIC: GENODED1BRS. Ust-ID 58817096430. St. Nr. 206/5804/1423. Letzte Aktualisierung/Latest Update: Mittwoch/Wednesday, den 13. November, 2024.