Zentrum für soziale Inklusion Migration und Teilhabe (ZSIMT) Centre for Social Inclusion Migration and Participation
Zentrum für soziale Inklusion Migration und Teilhabe (ZSIMT)Centre for Social Inclusion Migration and Participation

Global Education and social inclusion at the Community Level




Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
(Recommendation concerning education for international understanding, co-operation and peace and education relating to human rights and fundamental freedoms, UNESCO,1974).

People engaging in development work in the "global South" need to critically consider the contents and aims of global education at the local community level in the "global North". The principle of coherence between the "global" discourse and practise of development work AND the "local" discourse and practice of development education is the crux of building communities based on the principles of justice, equality and peace for all. The growing processes of internationalisation and "globalisation" of european cities and communities demands therefore a critical exchange regarding the role of development education in dealing with effects of global "migration processes" at the local level, the status of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers and the barriers to their participation and inclusion in the socio-political life in Europe.

Therefore, we are convinced that development and global education at the local level in the "global North" need to make antiracist trainings and other anti-discrimination measures an integral part of the curriculum and all other global education efforts at the local level.This calls for establishing ways, methods and means of making global education at the community level self reflective, non-discriminatory and socially inclusive.

Target Groups/Areas of Implementation

  • One World Groups/Fair Trade Initiatives
  • Multipliers, Trainers, Facilitators in the field of Global Education
  • Teachers and Adult Educators
  • Preparatory and Evaluation seminars as part of Development Volunteer Programs
  • Pedagogical Guidance for Expatriates and returning Development Workers
  • Development Summer Schools

Aim of all Global Educational initiatives is to develop capabilities, attitudes and values of all involved which enable them to work together towards societal transformation and win more people to work towards positive change and enhance the sense of their responsibility as global citizens.

Themes dealt with in the training modules and further Global Education Initiatives

  • Cultural Aspects in Education for Sustainable Development
  • Capability Approach to Global Learning
  • Global Citizenship and social Inclusion
  • Migration, Migration processes and their effects on global learning projects in the “Global North”
  • Antracism, Antidiscrimiantion und Diversity Development in Global Learning Projects
  • Dealing with Stereotypes, Privileges and Power Imbalances und discriminatory Ideologies in “South-North” educational initiatives
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Arbeit mit Gruppen/Teambildung/Multiplikationstätigkeiten im Kontext BNE/Globales Lernen
  • Human Rights in Global Education Curricula
  • Internationalisation of Education

Additional Services

Besides organizing trainings and organizational and personnel development programs we also undertake commissions for lectures, expert inputs, key note addresses at conferences, seminars and workshops. We welcome requests for developing and implementing joint global educational projects or events (conferences, lecture series/teaching tasks) in anti-discrimination and further diversity development programs. If interested, do not hesitate to contact us.

Interested individuals and groups may use the Contact page to organise such "integrated" workshops and  trainings in their institutions or (in co-operation with us) develop and include "global education at the community level" modules in their learning programs.



Direkt zum Kontaktformular


Zentrum für Soziale Inklusion Migration und Teilhabe

E-Mail: office@zsimt.com (Empfohlene Erstkontakt-Möglichkeit. Jederzeit erreichbar: Antwort i.d.R. innerhalb von 24 Stunden)



Dr. phil. Prasad Reddy
Europaring 26
53123 Bonn






Dr. phil. Prasad Reddy


bei Wissenschaftsladen Bonn e.V.

Reuterstraße 157

53113 Bonn

Telefon: +49-228-4228292

Mobil: +49-152-21992616
E-Mail: office@zsimt.com (Empfohlene Erstkontakt-Möglichkeit. Jederzeit erreichbar: Antwort i.d.R. innerhalb 24 Stunden)



Druckversion | Sitemap
© 2022-2032. Zentrum für soziale Inklusion Migration und Teilhabe(ZSIMT). ZSIMT ist eine Initiative der Reddy_Wulff Sozial Consulting, GbR. Kreditinstitut: Volksbank Köln-Bonn eG Kt. Nr. 2002898015. Finanzamt: Außenstelle Bonn. IBAN:DE27 3806 0186 2002 8980 15. BIC: GENODED1BRS. Ust-ID 58817096430. St. Nr. 206/5804/1423. Letzte Aktualisierung/Latest Update: Mittwoch/Wednesday, den 13. November, 2024.