Zentrum für soziale Inklusion Migration und Teilhabe (ZSIMT) Centre for Social Inclusion Migration and Participation
Zentrum für soziale Inklusion Migration und Teilhabe (ZSIMT)Centre for Social Inclusion Migration and Participation


Conflict Management – Approaches, Analysis, Escalation Schemes, Resolution and Reconciliation



Context and Philosophical Underpinnings


In an increasigly interdependent world involves conflicts that can be interpersonal, interregional or international. They can be social or political in nature. Working with conflict involves taking into account its dynamics, the parties involved, analyze the schemes thereby and develop relevant escalation schemes and post conflict reconciliation procedures. One needs to clarify the different aspects involved therein: conflict management, conflict resolution and conflict transformation. In order to be able to deal with such situations effectively, and in order to take preemptive actions, it is important to define actual and potential conflict situations, diagnose the various stages of escalation, develop conflict resolution and transformation schemes and learn to effectively manage conflict resolution and develop appropriate post-conflict reconciliation and peace building methods.
The recent “uprising” and “upheaval” in the Arab world, current conflict accompanied dynamics in Syria are only few examples of conflict situations and various ways in which conflict is/can be managed. In the past, the post apartheid conflict resolution procedures have been well developed and implemented, especially in the form of the Truth and Reconciliation committees, especially in South Africa. Moreover, it is also important to involve and positively channelize civil society initiatives in order to preempt conflict potential situations. It is of utmost importance to employ a bias free/bias conscious approach to post-conflict reconciliation.


Didactical Methods
This practice based workshop employs participant-based, interactive and process oriented individual, partner and group exercises. It also involves replaying and feedback of video sequences of participants’ exercises and role plays, recorded live during the workshop. If time permits, further Scenarios and Role-plays also could be developed and implemented.

Suggested Content

  • Brainstorming on: Conflict Management, Conflict Resolution or Conflict Transformation-what are we talking about at all?
  • My conflict resolution Potential: Individual SWOT Analysis of conflict management potential
  • Conflict Management: Definitions
  • Talking Wheel: Getting closer to the theme of conflict
  • Tools for Conflict Analysis: Stages of conflict – Timelines-Conflict mapping-The Conflict tree, etc.
  • Methods and Schemes of conflict resolution and conflict transformation.
  • Role and significance of Cultural differences in conflict resolution
  • Role of the Civil Society in Conflict Management
  • Anti Bias Techniques in post conflict situations
  • Post Conflict Reconciliation Techniques: Best Practices from India (Non Violence) and South Africa (Truth and Reconciliation Committee)
  • Actual Case Studies of Conflict
  • Working out Concrete Conflict Situations faced/prepared/brought by the participants (Video Recordings and peer feedback)


Learning Results and Aims of the Workshop

In the above mentioned context, this workshop aims to provide individuals and groups working in an international context with various approaches to conflict management, define conflict and conflict analysis and recognise various escalation schemes.

At the end of the workshop participants should be able to 

  • estimate their own conflict management and resolution potential and develop “personal” future steps to improve this potential
  • analyse the social and political conflicts they are currently confronted with
  • learn about various tools for conflict analysis: stages of conflict – Timelines-Conflict mapping-The Conflict tree, etc.
  • explore various ways of successful conflict resolution, transformation and reconciliation methods in post conflict situations including: Conflict Transformation; Anti Bias approach to conflict resolution
  • be able to clearly understand the various approaches to conflict management
  • clearly define conflict escalations schemes and begin to define post-conflict reconciliation procedures
  • develop essential conflict resolution skills
  • to get to know certain best practices in conflict management and post conflict resolution methods, especially lessons from the Truth and Reconciliation Committee in South Africa
  • develop strategic thinking for themselves and their organisations

The participants will, thereby, also receive valuable references to literature regarding conflict resolution and online resources to governmental and non governmental initiatives involved in international conflict resolution.

Interested individuals and groups may contact us via office@zsimt.com for futher information or through our contact formular.



Direkt zum Kontaktformular


Zentrum für Soziale Inklusion Migration und Teilhabe

E-Mail: office@zsimt.com (Empfohlene Erstkontakt-Möglichkeit. Jederzeit erreichbar: Antwort i.d.R. innerhalb von 24 Stunden)



Dr. phil. Prasad Reddy
Europaring 26
53123 Bonn






Dr. phil. Prasad Reddy


bei Wissenschaftsladen Bonn e.V.

Reuterstraße 157

53113 Bonn

Telefon: +49-228-4228292

Mobil: +49-152-21992616
E-Mail: office@zsimt.com (Empfohlene Erstkontakt-Möglichkeit. Jederzeit erreichbar: Antwort i.d.R. innerhalb 24 Stunden)



Druckversion | Sitemap
© 2022-2032. Zentrum für soziale Inklusion Migration und Teilhabe(ZSIMT). ZSIMT ist eine Initiative der Reddy_Wulff Sozial Consulting, GbR. Kreditinstitut: Volksbank Köln-Bonn eG Kt. Nr. 2002898015. Finanzamt: Außenstelle Bonn. IBAN:DE27 3806 0186 2002 8980 15. BIC: GENODED1BRS. Ust-ID 58817096430. St. Nr. 206/5804/1423. Letzte Aktualisierung/Latest Update: Mittwoch/Wednesday, den 13. November, 2024.